Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday - the sites of Rome (and hills and steps)

Everywhere you go in Rome, you're either going up and down hills or up and down steps (legend states that Rome was built on seven hills and I don't think we've missed a one). The pathways and streets are either brick or cobblestone and have been worn down, through the years, by the footsteps of both Romans and tourist - from everywhere.

Many archaelogical digs are in progress, uncovering structures that were built centuries ago and have been covered by earthquakes, time and other structures being built atop them.

Today has been pleasant - hot and sometimes cloudy with welcome breezes when one finds a shade tree or a bench.

We visited the amazing and monstrous Colosseum where digs continue to unearth artifacts from centuries ago. As we stood looking down on the arena, in the center with it's labrinyth of passages where the animals might have been kept, we could almost imagine the chants and yells of the pagans as they watched either the Christians being tortured and put to death, the gladiators as they fought, or the criminals as they were allowed to be attacked and killed by the caged animals that had been released. This amphitheatre was started in AD72, covers 6 acres and held 50,000 people.

We saw the Roman Forum, the Paletine Hills, the Arches of Titus, Augusto and Constantine and several churches. After a light lunch, Genann, Bob and I voted against another "tour" and decided to relax in the coolness of the B&B. Mike and Ginny headed out to the church of San Clemente. Tonight, we'll head toward the Pantheon and then have another scrumptious Italian dinner.
