Sunday, July 19, 2009

Posted Sunday, July 19, 2009 from Paris - photos taken Friday, July 17, 2009 in Italy

On Friday morning the five of us set out to tour the ruins of Pompeii. This ancient city which was founded around the 6th or 7th century B.C., near Naples, was buried in 79 A.D. when Mount Vesuvius erupted - for two days. The city was accidentally discovered in 1748 and excavations have continued - with the "newest" being started around 1909.

Approximately 109 of the original 144 acres that the city covered have been reclaimed. The areas now being focused on are homes of the residents. One such home was the 'Casa of Faun' - a 27,000 sq. foot home that covered a city block.

Unfortunately, before restrictions were placed on the area, it was pillaged and many artifacts were stolen and taken to other museums.

Even though the day was almost unbearably hot with very little breeze or shade, this was an amazing and chilling sight and well worth the effort and sweat!

Mount Vesuvius sits in the distance behind the ruins of Pompeii. The "dip" in the center between the two peaks was created by the eruption. Today, homes have been builtl on the mountainside. This is still an active volcano with the last eruption occurring in 1944.
Remains found in excavations contain bone - the plaster cast has been used to fill in the missing bone.

Mosaics like this are in many of the areas.
Notice the pottery jug - the pottery to the left in the "island" was where soups or other items for meals were cooked.

Fresco paintings that were uncovered - undamaged.

The Basilica where town meetings, elections, etc. were held.

The ancient gates in the city walls.

The original cobblestones that have been uncovered show ruts from carriage wheels.