Thursday, July 23, 2009

Paris from the top of a double decker bus.....`

Posted late Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - photos taken same day.

A part of today was spent touring the city on the top level of a double-decker bus. So far, we've not toured any of the sites (Louvre, Notre Dame, etc.), but I still have hope!!

Lunch was at one of the many sidewalk cafes on the Champs Elysees - watching the throngs of people.

Tomorrow afternoon, we leave this busy city for Amsterdam where we expect the weather to be cool again.

Another view of the Eiffel Tower.

Where the French Parliament meets.

Book sellers by the Seine River. Their "shops" look like trash bins - are hooked to the wall and are opened up to display their wares.

Notre Dame Cathedral and the crowds.
Cruise boat on the Seine. In the background is one of the 36 bridges in the city.